Contact Details

St Mary Magdalene is situated in Church Street, Great Burstead, CM11 2TR which is a few hundred yards east of the A176 Basildon to Billericay road.

Its shingle steeple on the 14th century Kentish Ragstone tower can easily been seen as you pass by. It is a medieval church with a rich History. Come and visit this beautiful church and see the medieval wall paintings and the Mayflower stained glass window that has been installed.

Fr Michael Hall
Priest in Charge

The Vicarage
111 Church Street
Great Burstead
CM11 2TR

Tel: 01277632060
Mob: 07399446721

Fola Olukoya
Nigel Blore

Alternatively please use our contact form below to contact other members of our team.

Please note: we are currently not accepting bookings at our church hall.




    Social Media

    Follow us:

    Instagram: @stmarymagdalenegtburstead

    Facebook: stmarymagdalenegb


    Churchyard Records

    Our Churchyard is currently closed meaning that upkeep and maintenance is the responsibility of Essex County Council. Equally if you are looking to research burial records contact will need to be made with the council to obtain records.