Lent & Easter Services

Lent 2024

Lent is a period of penitential preparation for Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday, six and a half weeks before Easter, and provides for a 40-day fast (Sundays are excluded), in imitation of Jesus Christ’s fasting in the wilderness before he began his public ministry.


ASH WEDNESDAY (14th February)

10am Ceremony of Ashes and said Holy Communion

7.30pm Ceremony of Ashes and said Holy Communion



Saturday 17th February and all Saturday mornings in Lent at 9.30am


Lent Course

Our Lent Course this year is entitled ‘A Beautiful Friendship: A Lent Course based on Casablanca’ by Paul Kerensa. This course will run at St Nicholas Laindon Parish Church on Saturday midday (beginning 17th February) and at Great Burstead Church on Wednesday after our 10.00 am Eucharist (starting Wednesday 21st February). You are welcome to attend either location, and we hope as many of you who can make this course will.


Mothering Sunday 

Sunday 10th March

8am Holy Communion

10am Sung Eucharist


Easter 2024

Palm Sunday

Sunday 24th March

8am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.45am  Sung Eucharist (Service begins in Church Hall with Liturgy of Palms)


Maundy Thursday

Thursday 28th March

7.30pm Mass of Last Supper and Watch


Good Friday

Friday 29th March

2pm Good Friday Liturgy


Holy Saturday

Saturday 30th March

7.30pm The Easter Vigil


Easter Day

Sunday 31st March

8am Holy Communion (BCP)

10am Sung Eucharist